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COVID Links & Resources

Health | Mental Health | Older People | Sexual Health | Female Resources | Bereavement and Grief during the Pandemic | Disability Services | Other Helpful Resources


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Everybody at Outhouse wants to get back to normal activities as soon possible and bring everybody back together so we can connect with one another again soon. To get to this stage, we hope you are continuing to play your part, follow HSE guidelines on social distancing,  stay at home, self isolation (if you have symptoms), and following recommended hygiene guidelines. Read HSE Guidelines here

Translated COVID-19 Resources
For those whose first language is neither English nor Irish, we have translated public health information into 24 other languages. These include Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Farsi, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Urdu and Yoruba. We are also working on developing resources in Somali and Eritrean.
The most up to date translated partner resources for COVID-19 can be found here


Under the resources listed above you will also find a video for the Roma Community in Romanian. This video can also be found here.

There is a Roma specific resources page which includes easy read and image based communication documents and a translation of the Phase 1 government re-opening roadmap which can be found here.

Migrant Health

There is also a Migrant Health resources page, which includes videos in various languages and further specific translated resources.

 Other Resources:

The Covid 19 World Service is a joint initiative of Nasc and Together Ireland. The Covid 19 World Service has video messages from doctors and other healthcare professionals in several languages for migrants living in Ireland.

Video 1:  General advice on how to prevent the contraction and spread of the virus.

Video 2: Information on self-isolation, what to do if you test positive for Covid 19 or are a contact of someone who has.

These videos can be found here

Mental Health

Minding your mental health during COVID-19

We also know that the COVID outbreak can be a very worrying time for you, and the HSE has also given you some ideas on how to mind your mental health during this time. Among some of their recommendations, they suggest you:

  • Stay informed but set limits for news and social media
  • Keep up your healthy routines
  • Stay connected to others
  • Talking to children and young people
  • Try to anticipate distress and support each other
  • Don’t make assumptions


Pieta are continuing to offer their Freephone 24 hour helpline and text service is available every day of the year. Please call 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444 (std msg rates apply).

Please contact your centre  to confirm your appointment times with your therapist who will now work with you over the phone. If it is your first time calling a Pieta Centre our therapists will explain how we can support you over the coming weeks.


In light of government advice, they’ve taken the difficult decision to stop offering face to face support in their branches, and their training sessions for new volunteers.

They continue to offer 24hr support around the clock at 116 123 or jo@samaritans.org
If you’re worried about your mental health:

If you are worried about someone else:


Support line for people diagnosed with depression or bipolar- 7 days 10am to 10pm 1800 80 48 48or email support@aware.ie

General guidelines re maintaining positive mental health during the crisis, especially anxiety and depression

Other resources include:

Older people

Updated COVID-19 Resources

The updated Cocooning Public Health Advice easy read guide

Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers

Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home have also been added.

At Home activities for people with dementia, families and carers



ALONE launched a COVID-19 support line for older people Working in collaboration with the Department of Health and the HSE

The support line will be open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024, and hours may be extended to meet the demand.

Contact ALONE on 0818 222 024 if you have concerns about your own wellbeing, or the wellbeing of an older person you know.


SeniorLine is a FREEPHONE service and our older callers can call free between 10am and 10pm every day of the year on 1800804591

Age Action & Red Cross Ireland Hardship fund for older people 

Emergency fund to respond to the immediate needs of older people in vulnerable situations across Ireland experiencing additional hardship as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis. 

Once-off grants, up to a maximum of €500, per person/household affected. 

Can include costs of the following examples and other needs as they arise:

Small household maintenance, repairs and safety improvements

Food and basic provisions and associated delivery costs

Upgraded or New Small Appliances (fridge, freezer, washing machine, TV, cooker, etc.)

Providing Digital Technology Equipment, for example smart phones or tablets

Contribution towards increased energy costs or telephone bills

Contribution towards additional home or personal security costs

Contribution towards additional travel costs for essential reasons (medical appointments, etc.)    

Who Can Apply: Older people in need of assistance, family members supporting an older person, carers of older people, social workers and local voluntary organisations or community groups providing direct assistance to individuals within this target group. 

How to Apply: 

Clearly outline the need, how the grant will alleviate hardship, what it will be used for and details of the costs (up to a maximum of €500).

The COVID-19 Hardship Fund Application Form is available at this link:


Or request a form at


Irish Red Cross at 01 6424600 

Age Action at 01 475 6989  

Q-CHAT: a friendly weekly check-in
Outhouse know this is a challenging time for many, particularly older people or those who live alone.

If someone would like a friendly chat and check-in once a week, please give Outhouse a call at 01-8734999 or email info@outhouse.ie  and we will arrange a day and time that suits to keep in touch each week.

Employment & Financial Resources

Links to all COVID-19 entitlements and workers’ rights etc during the crisis on the Citizens Information Website


Sexual Health

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre

The National 24-Hour Freephone Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 77 88 88 is open for those who need to access crisis counselling and support.

New resource: For those who are feeling overwhelmed or triggered, especially in this crisis, please have a look at our collection of grounding techniques to help you find calm. Particularly with regular practice, these can be extremely effective. https://www.drcc.ie/2020/03/grounding-exercises/

Therapists of existing clients have already or will shortly be in touch with to discuss arrangements. If you have not had a call from your therapist and you are due to call in soon, please contact counselling@rcc.ie. If you are hoping to arrange an appointment as a new client: Please e-mail at counselling@rcc.ie and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

Female Resources

Safe Ireland/ Women’s Aid
National Helpline still operating 24/7: 1800 341 900
This website provides constantly updated list of contacts throughout the crisis- which lines/ centres are open/ closed at any point in time


Bereavement and Grief during the Pandemic

All agencies below have begun to place information relating to COVID19 circumstances on their websites and all will continue to develop this as the crisis continues
The Irish Hospice Foundation have comprehensive material on their website:

Includes grieving in exceptional times, organising funerals

Rainbows Ireland
Support for bereaved children and separated parents- normal services closed but responding to calls for urgent advice and support at 087 3510898 – if the phone is busy, speak slowly and clearly, leave contact number; or email: ask@rainbowsireland.ie or support@rainbowsireland.ie

HSE Approved Guidance for Disability Services

There are new COVID-19 Guidance resources now available for staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities. This guidance will help ensure that staff and carers are fully aware of the steps they need to take during the outbreak.  A list of all of the guidance documents, including those previously shared, can be found here.

Other useful information

The Government’s roadmap for reopening society and business can be found here.

This Irish website will be constantly updated for duration of Covid crisis.  Headings include: Education,  Business Resources, Health & Wellbeing, Sports, Entertainment, Music
