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Greetings & Update from Outhouse Staff

Like everyone else, Outhouse is doing its best to adapt to the current situation given the restrictions and the fact that we still do not know when the centre will reopen. As a result, we have moved what we can online and serve our community as best as we can. 

In this era of uncertainty, we want the LGBT+ community to know that Outhouse still continues to offer a Safe Space for people, both over the phone and online.

When Outhouse had to close due to social distancing rules, we acted quickly and we made sure that our Information and Signposting was immediately available to anyone that needed it. It continues to be available Monday to Friday from 12pm-3pm at 01-8734999. As always, Outhouse listens to people’s queries and signposts them to the most relevant and helpful resources,

Check-in Service:
We know this is a challenging time for many, particularly older people or those who live alone. If someone would like a friendly chat and check-in once a week, please give Outhouse a call at 01-8734999 and we will arrange a day and time that suits to keep in touch each week.

Courses now Online:
As you may already know, Outhouse usually has a Women’s Wellness Workshop and a Personal Development Course running regularly in the centre. These free courses are extremely popular and often have long waiting lists.
Many will be delighted to know that these courses will now be held online. Both start on 12th May 2020 and will run online for six weeks.

The Women’s Wellness Workshop will continue to be facilitated by Laura-Louise Condell of Dublin Lesbian Line and is on Tuesday evenings from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. Email to register for the course.

The Personal Development Course (Aged 24 and Older) for For Gay, Bisexual Men who have sex with Men will continue to be facilitated by John Paul O’Brien and is also on Tuesday eveninds from 6:30PM to 8:30PM 9pm. Email to register for the course.

Many of the peer support groups that regularly met in Outhouse still keep in touch or meet online in some capacity. The men and women’s Safe Space migrant peer support group also continues to be hosted, albeit online, by Outhouse. 

Outhouse has recently launched our first newsletter and we plan to continue updating the community and our regulars about what we are doing, what services we offer, stories from the community and fun stuff as well.