We have made a submission to the public consultation on the next National Strategy for Women and Girls in Ireland. Our submission focuses on the unique needs and experiences of lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LBTQ+) women and girls, reinforcing that trans women are women, and calling for a genuinely inclusive and intersectional approach to the new strategy.
Our recommendations cover key areas like healthcare, socio-economic equality, leadership, and public safety, always keeping in mind the real, everyday experiences of LBTQ+ women and girls. We emphasise the importance of fair healthcare access, including free period products, contraceptives, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). We address the critical issues surrounding trans healthcare and intersex healthcare. We also advocate for socio-economic support, like affordable childcare and efforts to close the gender pay gap, as well as initiatives that encourage leadership development and inclusive decision-making.
In our submission, we highlight the need to break down barriers to leadership, strengthen hate crime protections, and provide targeted support for those affected by domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence. Additionally, we make the case for the decriminalisation of sex work and the creation of inclusive public spaces that celebrate LBTQ+ identities and cultures.
This submission was shaped by extensive conversations with LBTQ+ women, including members of the Sapphic Social group. Their voices and experiences have been at the heart of our recommendations, ensuring they truly reflect our community’s needs.